Wilbanks Lab

We are staunchly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive research group representative of the communities (from local to international) who support our work and benefit from our research.
Join us!
Undergraduate research
Research projects during the school year are facilitated through UCSB FRAP; see listings under EEMB and the Marine Science Institute. Summer undergraduate research opportunities are occasionally available. Please contact Lizzy to discuss and provide a description of course history and why you are specifically the work we do and your goals in joining our group.
During the year, you have the option to conduct research for credit. There are several possible routes for this: EEMB 84/184 (Internship in Biological Sciences), EEMB 99 (Introduction to Research), EEMB 197 (Directed Studies), EEMB 199 (Independent Studies). Read more about these options here, as the appropriate course to register for depends on whether you have lower- or upper-division standing, your major, GPA, and previous course work. After getting approval from Lizzy, follow up with the undergraduate Biology advisers regarding registration details.
We recognize that volunteer research positions can cause financial hardships for students with full course loads and other part-time jobs. We are committed to making research experiences in our group accessible to undergraduates, regardless of their financial means, and offer the option of paid positions or work study whenever funds allow.
Some funding opportunities for undergraduates are listed here, but there are many more!
UCSB Transfer Student Undergraduate Research Award (deadline March 1).
UCSB McNair Scholars Program (deadlines in October and February)
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research (deadlines in October and March)
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA) Grant (deadline in November)
Summer research fellowships that can provide summer stipends for work in our lab (a woefully incomplete list!):
American Society for Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship (deadline Feb 15)
Ocean Change Biology REU @ UCSB (deadline March 15)
Summer Applied Biotechnology Research Experience (deadline Feb 15)
Graduate students
Prospective students should begin by looking through this website carefully and reading through papers of interest. Then, email Lizzy directly and include: 1) your CV, 2) an overview of your research interests, and 3) why you are specifically interested in joining our group. Applications are due in mid-December, but the sooner I hear from you, the better.
Graduate programs
I can accept students through either the Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology (EEMB) graduate program or the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science (IGPMS). I encourage students to learn more about the two options, and afterwards I am happy to share my perspectives on the different opportunities.
Graduate student support
I am fully committed to providing support and financial security to my students during their graduate studies. I take my job as your mentor and sponsor very seriously. Your tuition and full-time stipend throughout your time at UCSB will be supported by a variety of sources which may include department funds, my grants and start-up funds, your independent fellowships, and teaching assistantships.
Students are required to actively identify and pursue independent funding opportunities, such as research grants and graduate fellowships, at appropriate times throughout their studies. The reasons for this requirement are more important than just our lab’s financial bottom line: it hones both your scientific ideas and your writing skills, and helps establish your intellectual independence early in your career. I will mentor you through the different stages of this process, from researching appropriate opportunities (look below for a start), to researching and brainstorming your ideas, to proposal writing and editing.
Postdoctoral researchers
We are currently searching for postdoctoral fellows to lead projects on marine aggregates and biofilms. Research experience in marine microbiology is desired; however, creative, interdisciplinary thinkers are also encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will have technical expertise in one or more of the following areas: microscopy, fluorescence in situ hybridization, bioinformatics, microsensor geochemistry. Prospective fellows should contact me to discuss specific areas of interest or project ideas and discuss funding opportunities (see below).
Current graduate students interested in pursuing postdoctoral work in the lab are encouraged to contact me as early as possible to discuss potential projects and explore funding opportunities (see list below).
Funding opportunities
This list should help get you started looking for indepdendent funding opportunities, but is in no means meant to be a complete or exhaustive list. There are loads of opportunities out there!
Postdoctoral fellowships
And many more--check out this useful list: https://asntech.github.io/postdoc-funding-schemes
Graduate fellowships
For incoming and first year students
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)
Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
American Association of University Women International Fellowship